燕窝类bird's nest soup
冰花炖官燕: braised bird's nest with rock candy
冰糖银耳燕窝: braised bird ' snestwithwhitefungusandrockcandy
高汤炖官燕: stewed bird's nest
红胶官燕: braised bird's nest and seaweed
红烧鹿茸血燕: braised bird ' snestwithdeerantler
红烧蟹黄官燕: braised bird's nest with crab roe
红烧血燕: braised red bird's nest
木瓜炖官燕: braised bird's nest with papaya
脚汁红烧官燕: braised bird's nest in ham sauce
杏汁炖官燕: double-boiledsuperiorbird ' snestwithalmondjuice
冰花炖血燕: stewed red bird ' snestwithrockcandy
橙炖官燕: braised bird's nest in orange sauce
悉尼官燕: braised bird's nest with snow pear
椰汁冰花炖官燕: stewedsuperiorbird ' snestwithwhitefungusandcoconutmilk
鱼种蟹肉处理燕窝: braised bird ' snestwithcrabmeatandfishroe
福寿炖燕窝: braised bird's nest
一品燕窝:最佳质量bird ' s nest soup
王府清汤官燕: bird's nest soup
冰花芙蓉官燕: stewed bird's nest with egg white
白果煮鸭子: duck soup with gingko en casserole
鲍鱼海珍煮: braisedabaloneandseafoodencasserole
鲫鱼黄花煮: cruciancarpanddaylilyencasserole
锅仔潮菜银鳕: stewedcodfishwithsaltedvegetables,chao zhou style
锅仔潮式凉瓜猪腹: stewed pork tripe with bitter melon,chaozhou style
锅鸡汤菌: stewed mushrooms in chicken soup
锅仔药膳乌鸡: stewed black-bonedchickenwithchineseherbs
把虾泡在鱼肚子里: stewed fish maw with shrimps
海鲜: braised seafood with japanese tofu
凉瓜排骨煮: braised pork ribs with bitter melon
南乳粗斋煮: braisedassortedvegetableswithmarinatedtofu
浓汤沙锅三鲜: soup of sea cucumber,shrimps and ham
南瓜芋煮: stewedtarowithpumpkinencasserole
沙茶鱼头煮: braised fish head in satay sauce
砂锅白菜粉丝: chinesecabbageandvermicelliinpotterypot
砂锅鱼头豆腐: stewedfishheadwithtofuinpotterypot
海鲜砂锅: stewed seafood in pottery pot
鱼头砂锅: stewed fish head in pottery pot
腌生砂锅:上海海specialty casserole
砂锅小排翅: small shark’sfininpotterypot
砂锅鱼肚子: stewed fish maw in pottery pot
砂锅海米豆腐: stewedtofuanddriedshrimpsinpotterypot
砂锅萝卜羊排: stewedlambchopsandturnipinpotterypot
砂锅三菇: stewedthreekindsofmushroomsinpotterypot
砂锅鸡肉丸子: stewedchickenmeatballsinpotterypot
香菇红参煮: blackmushroomsandseacumbersencasserole
鸡粒咸鱼茄子煮: diced chicken,saltedfishandeggplantencasserole
粉丝虾杂菜煮: vermicelli,driedshrimpsandassortedvegetablesencasserole
东江豆腐煮:东江托福en casserole
八珍煮: assorted meat en casserole
柱侯牛别针煮: braised beef brisket en casserole
虾迷煮菜: driedshrimpsandvermicelliencasserole
咸鱼鸡豆腐煮: salted fish,chicken and tofu en casserole
红桃炖牛肉: beef soup with walnuts
梅菜减肉煮: steamedporkwithpreservedvegetableencasserole