朱莉·贝克虔诚地相信树是神圣的(特别是她最喜欢的梧桐树),后院饲养的生鸡蛋是最卫生的,还有总有一天她会和布莱斯·罗斯基接吻。 二年级的时候,在看到布莱斯蓝眼睛的瞬间,朱莉的心被他击中了。 遗憾的是,布莱斯对她从来没有感觉到。 而且,朱莉觉得有点奇怪,如何让养鸡和坐在树上的人幸福呢?
到了八年级,布莱斯没想到朱莉罕见的有趣和对家人的骄傲开始让她有魅力了。 朱莉开始觉得布莱斯漂亮的蓝眼睛和他自己一样其实可能是空洞,毕竟有人对别人的树和鸡什么感情都不做吗?
I ' dhatetoseeyouswimoutsofaryoucan ' tswimback。
some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,someing loss ... buteveryonceinawhileyoufindsomeonewho ' s iridescent,and when you do,noono
theappledoesn ' tfallfarfromthetree。
the first day i met bryce loski,i flipped. it was those eyes,something in those dazzling eyes。
some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,someing loss.buteveryonceinawhileyoufindsomeonewho ' s iridescent,and when you do,ntoto
bryce: hey,juli. right on schedule。
juli: yeah、well、neither rain nor sleet。
bryce: huh?
juli: you know the mailman thing?
bryce: oh. right. so,um,will you start riding the bus again?
juli:id on ' t know.ihaven ' tbeenuptheresince。
bryce:itdoesn ' tlooksobadanymore.it ' sallclearedaway.well,um,ibettergetreadyforschool.guessi ' llseeyouthere。
juli:see you.( Maybebrycewasright.Maybeitwastimeistartedridingthebusagain.After All,didn't he just tell me he wanted me to? coulditbethatbryceloskiactuallymissesme? )
bryce: juli? what are you still doing here?
juli: i was just thinking。
bryce:it ' spick-upday.thecansareinfront。
juli: i know. you need some help?
bryce: no. maybe i'll do it later。
juli: are those my eggs?
bryce: yeah. yeah,i dropped them。
juli:they ' renotbroken.whyareyouthrowingthemaway? don't you want them?
bryce:itwasn ' tme.mydaddidn ' tthinkitwasworththerisk。
juli: risk what risk?
布莱斯: salmonella。
juli: what are you talking about? he's afraid of being poisoned?
bryce: well,juli,i mean,Lookatyourbackyard.IT ' Sacompletemess.IT ' s,like,covered in turds。
juli:that ' snot true.icleanupaftermygirlseveryday。
bryce:wejustdidn ' twannahurtyourfeelings。
juli:haveyoualwaysthrownthemaway? you know,MRS.steubyandMRS.helmspaymeformyeggs。
bryce: they do?
juli: they pay me 6 cents a dozen。
bryce: i didn't know。
juli: how could you?
布莱克: I ' m sorry。
juli: no,you're not。
bryce:( it didn ' ttakemelongtorealizethati ' dtradedinmyoldproblemswithjulibakerforawholesetofnewones.itwasactualyworshal ) ghermadatmethanhavingherannoyme.thewaysheignoredmewasaconstantreminderthati ' dbeenajerk.thenonedayiwascominghomefrompliayan )
bryce’sgrandfather:don ' tbesotimid.com eon,you won't hurt them。
juli: like this?
bryce’sgrandfather:yeah,that’s it。
bryce:( my grandfather.allieversawhimwearwasslippers.now,where did he get those work boots? icouldn ' tstoplookingoverthere.andthemoreilooked, themadderigot.mygrandfatherhadalreadysaidmoretojuliinonehourthanhe ' dsaidtomeinthewholetimehe ' dbeenlivingwithus.iwa Peres tyse )
bryce: hi,grandpa。
Bryce’sgrandfather:julitoldmeabouttheeggs.you know,bryce,one’scharacterissetanearlyage.I’dhatetoseeyousionum
bryce: sir
bryce’sgrandfather:it’sabouthonesty,son.sometimesalittlediscomfortinthebegining cansaveawholelotofpaindowntheroad。
bryce:( whenitcametoholdingagrudge, julibakerwastrulyimpressive.allweekitriedtoapproacheratschool.she ' dalwaysfindsomewaytoduckme.andwhenevershewashyar grandpa ly,onesaturdayisawmyopening.mygrandfatherhadgoneintowntobuysomebengay.iguesthyare ) it ' s looking real good。
juli: thanks. chet did most of it。
bryce: i'm sorry for what i did。
juli: i just don't get it,bryce. why didn't you just tell me?
bryce:id on ' t know.it was dumb.andishouldn ' thavesaidanythingaboutyouryard,either. it wasn't right。
Juli:Maybe IT ' SallForthebest.I Mean,look
布莱斯: ah。
juli:ifeelsorryforhim.hemissesyourgrandma.canyoubelieveit? he says i remind him of her。
bryce: what?
juli:iknow.that ' swhatisaid.buthemeantitinaniceway.somethingaboutherspirit。
bryce:yeah.goodluckwiththegrass.I ' MSU reit ' llcomeupgreat。
juli: thanks。
金砖四国: I guess I ' ll see you around。
juli: i guess so。
bryce:( while juli ' sacceptanceofmyapologywasnotallthati ' dhopedforatleasttheeggsthingwasfinallybehindme.thefirstimemon ) )
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