
主页 > 新闻 > 时讯:“顺说倒装句”的基本用法


来源:澎湃教育网作者:李湘更新时间:2021-12-25 15:05:42阅读:


考试点99 :“顺说倒装句”的基本用法

“顺说倒装句”是顺应前面出现的表现,显示另一种类似情况而形成的部分倒装句,基本构造是“so/neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/系动词be+主语”,与放在句首的so (与前肯定的副本对比 比如he can ride a bike,and so can i .他可以骑自行车。 我也可以。 // the boy died,and a week later,so did his friend .那个男孩死了,一周后,他的朋友也死了。 / societyhaschangedandsohavethepeopleinit .社会变了,人也变了。 / Tom doesn’tlikebananas.neither/nordoeshiswife .汤姆不喜欢香蕉。 他妻子也不喜欢。 / if you won’TGO,neither will i .如果你不去,我也不去。


观察:只重复前面提到的内容,同意或强调(意味着“是的,确实”)、so (对比前一个肯定副本)或neither、nor (对比前一个否定副本)诱导的语句不翻转,基本结构是“so” 比如she knows little english,so she does .她不太懂英语,确实如此。 // — it was very hot yesterday .昨天很热。 — so it was .很热。


[考试问题1 ] if Joe’swifewon’tgotheparty,____.(2007 )

a. he will either b. neither will he

c. he neither will d. either he will

[回答] b

[分析joe和他妻子一样不出席宴会,在四个选项中应该选择倒装形式的“neither will he”,选项a、d不能选择是因为“either”表示“桃子”,不包含否定的意思。

[考试问题2 ]—IT’Sburninghottoday,ISN’TIT?

— yes. ____ yesterday. (2006福建)

a.sowas ITB.soit wasc.soit isd.sois it

[回答] a


[考试问题3 ]—doyouknowjimquarreledwithisbrother?

―id on’t know,____. (1991 )

a.nordon’ti careb.nordoicare

c.id on’tcareneitherd.id on’tcarealso

[回答] b

[分析]在否定句中,“也”是either (表示这个意思的情况下一般放在句末),在肯定句中,“也”是too (更一般,表示这个意思的情况下一般放在句末)或者also (更认真,采用的情况下放在句中)。 首先,neither,nor表示“不做”,本身含有否定的意思,不能和don’t连用,所以进一步排除了选项a,c,选择了b。 在本问题中,nor诱导的部分的倒装句表示前面的否定句的句也适用于其他体,具有谓语部分的实义动词care (如果“顺说倒装句”中的谓语部分的实义动词与前面句子的谓语部分的实义动词相同,则该倒装句中的谓语部分的实义。


[考试问题4 ]—youforgotyourpursewhenyouwentout

— good heavens,____. (2002上海)

a.sodi DIB.soi didc.idid SOD.iso did

[回答] b


[考试问题5 ]—well.idothinktherabbitisabeautiful,gentleanimalwhichcanrunveryfast。

——_ _ _ _ ( 2005辽宁)

a.soit isb.sois ITC.sodoesitd.soit does

[回答] a

[分析]肯定上一句的宾语从句“the rabbit is a beautiful,gentle animal”,so诱导的句子不翻转,而且so诱导的句子的谓语动词必须与该宾语从句的谓语动词一致。

[考试问题6] — my room gets very cold at night

— ____.(2007江苏省)

a. so is mine b. so mine is

c. so does mine d. so mine does

[回答] c



1. never ____ time come back again。

a. will you lose b. will lost

c. have i lost d. am i losing

2.notuntilhearrivedhome _ _ _ thathiswallethadbeenstolen。

a. he had found b. he found

c. did he find d. had he founded

3.not until _ _ _ _ home _ _ _ hisparentshadbeenillforthreedays。

a. he got; he knew b. did he get; he knew

c. he got; did he know d. did he get; did he know

4.notforamoment _ _ _ thetruthofyourstory。

a. he has doubted b. he doubted

c. had he doubted d. did he doubt

5.hardly _ _ _ _ _ gottotheairport _ _ _ theplanetookoff。

a. they had; than b. had they; 特兰

. c. had they; when d. did they; when

6.no sooner _ _ _ thanherealizedthatheshouldhaveremainedsilent



7.maybeyouhavebeentomanycountries,but nowhereelse _ _ _ suchabeautifulpalace。

a. can you find b. you could find

c. you can find d. could you find

8.ofthemakingofgoodbooksthereisnoend; neither _ _ _ _ anyendtotheirinfluenceonman’slives。

a.thereisb.there are c.isth ered.are there

9 .—hesaidheenjoyedthequietlifeinthecountryside。

——_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a. so did he,so did i b. so he did,so did i

c. he did so,i did so d. did he so,so i did

10 .—iwouldnevercometothisrestaurantagain.thefoodisterrible!

——_ _ _ _。

a. nor am i b. neither would i

c. same with me d. so do i

11. — the fish smells terrible!

——_ _ _ _。

a. so does it b. so it does

c. so does the fish d. so it is

12.ifailedinthefinalexaminationlasttermandonlythen _ _ _ theimportanceofstudies。

a. i realized b. i had realized

c. had i realized d. did i realize

13. so ____ that no fish can live in it。


c.thelakeisshallowd.is the shallow



11. b 12. d 13. a

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