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时讯:英文影院:Home Alone II 小鬼当家2

来源:网络转载更新时间:2021-10-24 08:54:50阅读:





这次孩子忘不了家,在纽约迷路了! 圣诞节凯文打算和家人一起度假,他错上了去纽约的航班,一个身体来到这个完全陌生的大城市,遇到了被他修理的两个傻瓜小偷,一连串疯狂的故事再次上演了……

themcallisterfamilygoonaholidaytoflorida.kevinmcallistergetsseparatedfromhisfamily,andmanagestogethimselfontoaplanetonewyorke hechecksintothebesthotelwithisfather ' screditcard,andsetsouttoenjoyhimself.unfortunately, theburgularshehadfoiledbeforewereinnewyorkafterbeingreleasedfromjail, andhadplanstorobthebiggesttoyshopinnewyorkonchristmaseve.kevindiscoverstheirplan,andsetsouttofoiltheirplotsagain,whilethebu

时讯:英文影院:Home Alone II 小鬼当家2


Kevin:( singing ) christmastimemeanslaughter,toboggansinthesnow.carolingtogetherwithfacesaglow.stockingsonthemantel awreathons

boy: christmas tree,我的my christmas tree ..。

mom :凯文!

buzz:ladiesandgentlemenofthejury ... I ' dliketoapologizetomyfamilyforwhateverdispleasure ... imighthavecausedyou。

kevin: what?

buzz: my prank (恶作剧) was immature and ill-timed

uncle frank: immature or not,it was pretty darn hilarious。

buzz:I ' DalsoliketoaPologizetomybrother.Kevin,i'm sorry。

mom: oh,buzz...it was very nice. kevin,do you have something to say?

buzz: beat that,you little trout-sniffer。

Kevin:I ' m not Sorry.ididwhatididbecausebuzzhumiliatedme.andsincehegetsawaywitheverything, I ' lllethimhaveit.sinceyouaresostupidtobelievehislies ... id on ' tcarewhethertheidioticfloridatripiswreckedornot.who wants

mom :凯文!

dad: kevin,you walk out of here,you sleep on the third floor

fuller: yeah,with me

kevin: so what else is new?

uncle frank:you ' dbetternotwreckmytrip,you little sour puss! you dad's paying good money for it。

kevin: oh,i wouldn't want to spoil your fun,mr. cheapskate。

buzz: what a troubled young man。

kevin: they're all a bunch of jerks。

mom: hi you know,kevin,last time we all tried to take a trip,wehadaproblemthatstartedjustlikethis。

kevin: yeah,with me getting crapped on。

MOM:ID on ' tcareforyourchoiceofwords.that ' snotwhathappenedlasttimeandnotwhat ' shappeningthistime.buzzapologizedtyou

kevin: yeah,thenhecalledmeatrout-sniffer.he didn ' tmeanwhathesaid.hewasjustsuckinguptoyou。

mom: ok,why don ' tyoujustsituphereforawhileandthinkthingsover? when you ' rereadytoapologizetobuzzandtotherestofthefamily,you can come down。

kevin: i'm not apologizing to buzz! i'd rather kiss a toilet seat!


kevin: fine,i don't wanna go down anyway! Ican ' ttrustanybodyinthisfamily.and you know what? if i had my own money,i'd go on my own vacation. alone,withoutanyofyouguys.Andi ' Dhavethemostfunofmywholelife。

mom: well,yougotyourwishlastyear.Maybe you ' llgetitagainthisyear。

kevin: i hope so。


1. get away with something幸运地成功,逃避惩罚

2. cheapskate美国郎守财奴,吝啬

3. suck up to sb .奉承某人

标题:时讯:英文影院:Home Alone II 小鬼当家2



