《虎胆龙威3--纽约大劫持事件》die hard iii电影海报
纽约警探约翰·麦考尔离婚后因失去孩子的监护权而颓废,但神秘恐怖分子威胁要炸毁纽约市,提名他挑战麦考尔时,他整体再次振作起来。 这次他在黑人助手的协助下,到底是怎么解决危机的?
things aren ' tgoingwellforjohnmcclane:hismarriageisbreakingup, he ' sbeensuspendedfromtheforceandnowthebrotherofhansgruber thegermanterroristhethrewoffabuildingafewyearsback, isthreateningtoblowupaschoolifmcclanedoesn ' trunaroundthecitysolvinghisdemeaninganddangerouspuzzles.withthelpofzeus a Harlem e mcclanediscoversgruber ' splottodistractthenypdwhileheclearsthefederalbankofbillionsofdolarsofgold。
zeus: woah! is that a bomb?
john: yeah. go ahead and grab it!
zeus: no. you're the cop!
john: well,Simonsaysyou ' resupposedtobehelpin ' with this!
zeus: i'm helpin '。
john: well,when are you gonna start helpin '?
zus: after you get the bomb。
zeus: careful。
john: i'm bein' careful!
zus: don't open。
john: what? igottaopenit.it ' sgonnabeallright。
zeus: shit! i told you not to open it!
simon: i trust you see the message? it has a proximity circuit (无线引爆电路).so,please don't run
john: yeah,igot it.we ' renotgonnarun.howdoweturnthisthingoff?
Simon:onthefountainthereshouldbetwojugs.doyouseethem? afivegallonjugandathreegallonjug.filloneofthejugwithexactlyfourgallonsofwater .. andplaceitonthescaleandthetimewillstop.y oumum lesswillresultindetonation (炸弹爆炸).if you ' restillaliveinfiveminutes,we'll speak again。
john: wait wait a sec .!
john: i don't get it. do you get it?
Zeus :否。
约翰: getthejugs
John:obviously we can ' tfillthe3gallonjugwithfourgallonsofwater,right?
zeus: obviously。
john: all right,IKNOW.Here Wego.Wefillthethreegallonjugexactlytothetop,right? ok,nowwepourthatthreegallonsintothe5gallon jug.givingusexactlythreegallonsinthe5gallon jug.right?
zeus: right,then what?
john: ok,nowwetakethe3gallonjugandfillthatathirdofthewayup。
zeus: no,no.he said " be precise ".exactlyfourgallons。
John:Everycopinfiftymilesisrunnin ' Hisassoff,Andi ' MoutherePlayingkids ' GamesinthePark!
zeus: hey! youwannafocusontheproblemathand?
john: what are you sayin ',you knew! you said don't say anything,if you don ' t know.ithoughtyousaid ... givemethefuckin ' jug!
Zeus :否!
john: we're starting over! pour that out!
Zeus :否,we can't start over
john: we're starting over。
zeus: we can't start over。
John:I ' llputmyfootupyourassyoudumblittlemother .. .
zeus: say it! say it!
john: what?
zeus: you were gonna call me a nigger,weren't you?
John :否,i wasn't!
Zeus :是,you were! what were you gonna call me?
约翰: Asshole! how's that,asshole? you got some fuckin' problem,because i'm white,zeus? is that it,huh? have i oppressed you? haveioppressedyourpeoplesomehow? I ' lltellyouwhatyourproblemis.youdon ' tlikemebecauseyou ' re racist!
zeus: what?
john: you're a racist! you don't like me because i'm white!
Zeus:id on ' tlikeyoubecauseyou ' regonnagetmekilled! now,how much time? oh shit! we got less than a minute! throw this thing away!
john: look,we can ' ttakeitoffthereit ' ll detonate (爆炸)! just wait! wait a second! i got it! i got it! exactly two gallons in here,right?
zeus: right。
zeus: yeah。
john: a full five gallons here,right?
zeus: right。
zeus: four gallons! yeah,get it in there. come on!
john: come on! don't,don't spill it!
展位: good! good! good!
john: we got it! we got exactly four gallons!
zeus: you did it,mcclane!
john: put it on the thing! get it down there!
1 .口语中一般用cop这个词来表示警察。
.2. wait a sec ..! sec .是second的缩写,经常在口语中使用。
3. run someone's ass off是俚语,是指全力完成某个事件的人。
4. john和zeus怎么准确地倒了四加仑的水? 请自己试试。